The New Moon In Libra
“If equal affection cannot be,
Let the more loving one be me.”
~ W.H. Auden
On September 25, 2022 ( 4:54 PM Central Time; the time and day depends on where you live), the New Moon will be in harmony, love, justice, beauty, peace, and balance seeking Libra.
After connecting with our authentic self and our inner world in the former 6 signs, Libra will be the first sign of the next 6, where we explore how we relate to our external world.
As kids, we fall more easily in love with everything around us than as adults when we only love people and things that give us joy and avoid the opposite. But, only unconditional love or agape is what is sustainable and can be felt on a soul level the rest of our lives.
The very first time I experienced the difference was when I was a little girl. I loved riding my bike until I lost my equilibrium and landed right in front of an oncoming vehicle. Miraculously, I was not hurt but I was not able to move or talk. The driver’s tender calm response transformed my own fears into a sense of serenity. She was able to set her own feelings and thoughts aside, to be completely present and in the moment. The love for my bike faded but I have been carrying that moment of agape in my soul and it has inspired and influenced me ever since.
Libra energies are also about appreciating art and so unlike the former articles, I created this New Moon in Libra “Humming and Hovering” painting first, before writing the article. It helped me to experience and relive my own memories of unconditional love.
Harmony is one of the most important aspects of the Libra energies. When we experience disharmony we might have a tendency to counterbalance. However, in this process, the pendulum often swings in the opposite direction when we try to control a certain situation or we might use force to fix something instead of just being present and allowing things to unfold naturally.
For example, Libra is also about Justice. The Full Moon in Aries on October 9 2022 aligns with Chiron. We could use this energy in a positive way to begin resolving some injustice or feelings of being wronged. But, if we are thrown off balance, a fight for justice turns into vengeance and reasoning into right fighting, which could only create more division and dissonance.
Patience, making amends, and forgiveness are Chiron’s helpful healing energies that can restore the balance. It might be helpful when we get impatient or frustrated with someone, to remember a time when we needed people’s grace and patience.
Without awareness and mindfulness, counterbalancing can cause even more conflicts. I learned this lesson when I moved to the USA in 2005. I was trying to keep my life in balance by putting all my efforts into adapting to the new culture and country. In this process of integration, I spent all my time with new friends, coworkers, and family, and I completely neglected my old ones who, understandably, felt abandoned. This taught me another important lesson about balance and unconditional love.
With Mercury still being Retrograde until October 2nd and Pluto’s ruthless way of making us face our shadows and inner storms, challenging our beliefs and perspectives, it might be necessary to practice maintaining our balance.
We can maintain and nourish our relationships and interactions with others by giving them our full and undivided attention. This is not easy but the harmonious Libra energies can offer help to sustain peace, love, and harmony.
Since September 14, Saturn and Uranus have been exactly squaring each other again and will continue to do so through November 10. If we are not reflecting on the past 2 years on what we learned, we could see a repetition of last year’s conflicts and controversies. On top of this, Uranus also has been retrograde since August 2. Everything we know is questioned and we are encouraged to re-think old systems and to prepare for unfamiliar territory and intellectual breakthroughs.
The tension between control, oppression, and the need for freedom will be palpable but is different for many countries and people. We can use this “push me pull me” energy to push us towards growth and stronger relationships and cooperation or be pulled into very serious (world) conflicts and falling outs.
Despite all these challenges, love will always be in the air if it is up to romantic Libra. During this New Moon in Libra and Full Moon in Aries, it will be a wonderful time to make amends, kiss and make up, meet a new love, reconnect with an old one, or spice up an existing romantic relationship. But any type of important relationship will now benefit from extra attention and love.
For every fault we see in someone, let’s try to look for a thing we like. Using Libra’s energies this way can help us to learn how to both give and receive unconditional love because only this type of love is sustainable and will help us weather the storms and challenging times.
We can use the energies of this Libra New Moon during this time of new beginnings to write down our wishes, questions, and prayers for cosmic help.
For best results, it is best to write the wishes on the exact New Moon or within 6 hours. Here are some examples of questions we might ask and wishes in the spirit of Libra. This is also a great opportunity to reflect on which of our wishes came true on last month’s New Moon in Virgo and which ones need some more time to manifest.
- How can I rebalance any aspect in my life that has been neglected or taken for granted?
- I accept guidance to gain clarity to avoid or resolve conflicts with others.
- How can I show up to conflict and tension within a relationship in a loving way?
- How can I be more patient in my role as partner, parent, friend, family, community member?
- How can I release (toxic) relationships with love to create space for healthier new ones?
Once we set our intention and put in our own efforts, help and guidance will appear in surprising and synchronistic ways. We can ask whatever we want as long as our wishes are specific and aligned with the energies that are present.
On the next New Moon in Scorpio, we will build further on our sense of empowerment by focusing on change and transformation. We will then look back and reflect on which wishes came through, which questions were answered, and where we have to direct our focus.
Happy New Moon! May your heart hum with love, and your love hover in people’s souls.
About the Author
Drawn in by a fear of the unknown, combined with curiosity about the future and the metaphysical realm, Ursula Brozovich Kerger studied for three years with Dutch Astrologer, Liesbeth van Ravenhorst, in the early nineties. As she was embarking on her own spiritual journey, her astrology practice became more about diving deep into our soul, connecting with our authentic self, and our soul purpose. Her love for humanity and every sentient being on earth motivated her to further expand her astrological knowledge by studying collective consciousness. If she is not studying the celestial influences, she is either writing or you can find her in her art studio painting and illustrating. All her work is inspired by her love for astrological insights, life, nature, and her pets.