The New Moon In Cancer
“My feelings are too loud for words and too shy for the world.”
~ Dejan Stojanovic
On June 28 2022 (9:52 PM Central Time; the time and day depends on where you live), the New Moon will be in sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, caretaking, and protective Cancer.
Last month’s Gemini energies were all about becoming more comfortable with polarized views to prepare us to dive from our head into our hearts and emotions.
Feelings can’t be easily described with words. That is why I relied more on my painting, “Inner World,” for this article to express the essence of Cancer energies and the depth of our emotional world it represents.
With both the Sun and New Moon in Cancer, it is a wonderful time to explore our inner world. Since this opportunity counts for everyone on the planet, we all might want our needs met at the same time, which could create more feelings of hurt and disharmony in our personal lives and the world. It is very important this summer and fall to turn to supportive loved ones, groups, and kindred spirits where we feel connected and safe.
It will also be beneficial to pay attention to our own conflicting feelings and contrasting emotional needs.
On the one hand, we might, for example, feel a strong need to nurture and protect others. On the other hand, we could feel resistance, impatience, or even resentment to take care of them.
We could also project the desire of caring onto others and feel hurt or offended when others don’t give us the support or love that we need and expect. Another inner conflict could be feeling the desire to feel compassion but instead, we are only able to find anger, disappointment, and despair in our heart.
Every surfer or captain of a boat or ship knows that waves, especially the scary high ones, can seem as though they will last forever. But they don’t. A surfer needs to develop patience to wait for that perfect wave and has to have the skills to enjoy it. A captain knows that waves rise and fall: some are soothing and others can cause sea sickness or serious trouble at sea. They understand and respect that the waves are part of a larger and deeper ocean that gives them this rich experience. If we can approach our emotions the same way, we will be able to enjoy the full, meaningful human experience.
The 3 following exercises have been helpful for me to not stay stuck in unhealthy emotional states and to continue feeling love and compassion for others and myself.
The first way is to go inwards and ask ourselves what this painful feeling or situation reminds us of in the past and how this situation is different from the recent one. As a child we were at the mercy of the behavior of adults but as a grownup we can set healthy boundaries, choose who we want in our life, decide if we want to pick sides, and find out what we want to stand for. This will release inner tension and lift the pressure to be in fight or flight mode as an adult.
The second exercise is to take a deep honest look inside ourselves to find a situation where we might have caused grief to someone in the past. Once we can accept that we also have been the cause of someone’s heartache and suffering, we can integrate the parts we don’t like in others. The strong emotional feelings that were stuck from this unresolved inner conflict can flow again and we are able to feel more compassion and look at the recent situation more objectively.
The third one is to figure out what needs lie in the deepest part of our soul and how to attract what we need. In my case, I wanted to find caring people who could not only understand and appreciate my sensitive soul but also could help me channel my intense emotions to help others. By simply saying, “I’m feeling sad” or “I am feeling disappointed,” I am sharing my emotions coming from a calm place and I am creating space for the others to respond. If the other person responds in a way that is welcoming to open up more, I know this person is genuinely caring, safe and helpful for my own spiritual growth. By putting the effort in distilling my own feelings first before expressing them, I respond more intentionally and maturely rather than unhinged or reactively.
Because the moon is the ruler of Cancer, I will also share some extra information below about this month’s Moon positions and emotional effects, including the Full Moon.
In the first half of July, the Moon could be stirring up some intense emotions and we might feel harshly judged or wronged by others. Mercury’s challenging aspect might add to the feelings of frustration and stubbornness when we feel that we are not allowed to freely express ourselves or don’t feel heard. The key is to use the caring Cancer approach to give others space to fully express themselves verbally and then use the cardinal Cancer leadership energy to kindly but firmly ask for the same respect and space to have mature, genuine, and balanced conversations (especially family or people we consider family).
The Moon will be full on July 13, 2022 in Capricorn and makes an opposition with Mercury. This means that we could expect the same challenges as with a Mercury Retrograde such as, misinterpretation, cross-purposes, conflicts etc. It is, therefore, extra important to connect with our own feelings to understand which part of the conflict is ours that we need to own, and which is not. Emotional independence is the key to finding our own inner peace and security in times of external turmoil. Otherwise, we might feel responsible for something that is out of our control or we are unable to own our own contribution to a problem. Just like with Mercury Retrograde, it might require a little more patience and effort from our part to be more careful in our communications, including on social media. The same caution counts for decisions that require contracts or promises.
In the 2nd half of the month, large egos and minds could clash if we are swept away by our strong emotions.With so many things going on in the world, it is easy to feel disoriented and feel like drowning. It is easier said than done to learn how to move from a place of anxiety, fear, anger, and hate to a place of trust, love, and acceptance. This doesn’t mean that we have to accept injustice or the bad things that are happening. There are just more effective and caring ways to move forward rather than getting stuck in negative feelings.
We can use the Cancer energies of this New Moon during this time of new beginnings to write down our wishes, questions, and prayers for cosmic help.
For best results, it is best to write the wishes on the exact New Moon or within 6 hours.
After defining our questions and desires, we can watch how the synchronicities will increase to get us closer to manifesting our dreams. We can ask whatever we want as long as our wishes are specific and aligned with the energies that are present.
Here are some examples of questions we might ask and wishes in the spirit of Cancer. This is also a great opportunity to reflect on which of our wishes came true last month and which ones need some more time to manifest.
- How can I stand up for my own needs and emotions while also validating needs and reactions that differ from my own?
- What is a way to channel my emotions towards feeling love for others and myself in a stressful situation?
- How can I create and maintain emotional balance?
- I embrace guidance to respond calmly instead of overreacting.
- How can I give protection, security, and self-care to myself instead of expecting this from others?
- What is a safe way to open up my emotional world?
- How can I be an emotionally grounding presence in my community, friendships, and family?
- What are my emotional boundaries for my own emotional well-being?
- How can I share what I feel with others without overwhelming or hurting them?
- What can I do to increase my emotional intelligence?
- How can I learn to tolerate and accept discomfort that is beyond my control to increase inner peace and resilience?
- What are self-soothing activities that could calm inner turmoil?
Once we set our intention and put in our own efforts, help and guidance will appear in surprising and synchronistic ways.
When asking the cosmic guides to grant our wishes, it is important that we maintain a mindset of gratitude. We may ask for a wish to be granted, but we can’t dictate how our dreams will manifest. If you feel a lot of resistance while writing your wishes and your mind is filled with doubts, ask yourself if you are truly ready for change or if it would be better to wait for another New Moon in a sign with energies that align more with your soul and goals.
Some wishes take longer to manifest than others because it is a journey and process. You can continue this process every New Moon until you realize your goal. If, after 3 New Moons, you still haven’t come closer to realizing your dream, it could be an indication that important steps and questions have been skipped and need to be addressed first. For example, I had to practice drawing and painting for thousands of hours before I was able to paint whatever I wanted. This opportunity to realize our dreams, goals, and full potential with cosmic help is very empowering.
On the next New Moon in Leo, we will build further on that sense of empowerment. We will then look back and reflect on which wishes came through, which questions were answered, and where we have to direct our focus.
Happy New Moon! May your heart feel loved and protected.
About the Author
Drawn in by a fear of the unknown, combined with curiosity about the future and the metaphysical realm, Ursula Brozovich Kerger studied for three years with Dutch Astrologer, Liesbeth van Ravenhorst, in the early nineties. As she was embarking on her own spiritual journey, her astrology practice became more about diving deep into our soul, connecting with our authentic self, and our soul purpose. Her love for humanity and every sentient being on earth motivated her to further expand her astrological knowledge by studying collective consciousness. If she is not studying the celestial influences, she is either writing or you can find her in her art studio painting and illustrating. All her work is inspired by her love for astrological insights, nature and her pets.