Love Yourself: You’re a Big Deal!
You are both worthy and lovable!
“Not me,” you might say, “I’m a nothing person”- and this is where you truly must stop beating yourself up and start acting like your own friend. Become the observer of your situation and imagine a friend telling you that they feel like you do – can you ever imagine saying to another human being that they’re not important? No matter what you’ve experienced that (in your mind) warrants your dislike of yourself, it should be clear to you that the only way out of despair is through love.
Whilst you may believe your actions feel insignificant in the big picture, there is no doubt we are all connected as a species – there is a shared consciousness that we all contribute to, and an action as small as smiling at a stranger in the street may make a huge difference to the person you acknowledge for a few seconds. You can never be certain of what the full impact of your actions will be, but you can be sure that your energy will flow much further than you can directly see. Simply smiling at a stranger may change their mood enough to mean that they don’t have an argument when they get home… By projecting love into the world, rather than self-doubt, we change the flow of energy of the people we interact with. If you were to give that same person you hypothetically smiled at, an apathetic glance instead, their own energy may fall, and when they get home their own drama might seem even worse than it was before – to them, everyone else in the street looks sad too, so it compounds their inner dialogue that’s telling them there is no reason to be happy.
Still need convincing that you’re important?
Well, let’s reflect on the number of good things you’ve done within your life, the little and big things that have made others smile or given them reason to hug you. How many people have you helped? How many hands have you held? How many tears have you comforted dry? How many times have you told people you love them? How often have you lifted others up with your energy? How many times have you made people laugh? How many things have you diligently ploughed your efforts into that have been of service to others? If you’re an animal lover, what do you think your pets love about you? Is it purely that you give them food that they like? Or rather do they come to you to sit on your lap or at your feet, just to be close to your loving energy?
As human beings, we are all capable of all kinds of things, good, naive, brave or cowardly; at times we may want to run off into the horizon to escape situations, but the one thing you will never be able to hide from is your inner dialogue. Life is too short to waste it beating yourself up, so make the choice to stop right now. Be kind to yourself and anytime a negative thought enters you mind, counter it with a positive affirmation, for example, counter “I really screwed up” with “I’ve learnt from the situation and won’t do that again”. Train your mind to project love on to yourself, only then will you be able to offer others the love of your true self – a love which is not dependent on anyone but is self-sufficient from the inside out.
There is no one on the earth who is better than you are. We are all equal and life is an inclusive game. We each have a special set of knowledge and skills to bring to the world – use your gifts to contribute in the unique way that only you can, and Love yourself. You are worthy!
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