Personal Mission Part 2 – Realizing Your Mission
Make Time to Connect Spiritually
As you live your life, discovering, preparing for and carrying out your mission, it’s key that you tune into your higher Spirituality. Practice your connection and reconnection with the divine intelligence within. Why? Because it feels like peace, like you’re returning to love, where you are downloading the greater part of yourself that is secure and centered in the world.
This feeling of centeredness especially allows you to become more mindful and aware of your intuitive guidance. When you follow your intuitions, you often put yourself in just the right place for an important Synchronicity to take place.
Treat Money like a flow of Spiritual Energy
Be honorable about money. Money is simply an energy that you build up and use to creatively give back to others. There are two mistakes that we make with money: We think we never have enough, and become obsessive about making it. Or we are careless about it so we don’t use it correctly to take care of our selves and others.
As an energy flow, money comes and goes according to Karmic Design. When you seek to help others with your work, money flows to you. Tithe a portion of the money you receive by following your intuition as to where it should be given. Your life will never be the same.
The Bottom Line is, it’s a Spiritual Adventure
Relish in your journey. Stay focused on it, because it opens your spiritual memory, so in the end you can really say, “I had a destiny to do these things. I wanted to be always evolving into something better.” Don’t ever lose sight that you’ve come here with a purpose, and that purpose is to bring a truth or a change to humanity – a change that helps us all evolve towards a greater understanding of spirituality… and towards a greater sense of community and unity with each other.
Best wishes, James
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