How Practicing Mindfulness will Enhance Your Spiritual Life
Step Two: Finding Your Peace and Connection
When sitting alone, this first step is to teach yourself to drown out the chatter of your mind. We call this practicing Mindfulness and staying calm in the moment to find your connected place. Many find this is difficult to at first, but eventually, it will change your Life.
Just keep practicing being in the quietness, feeling love, and letting go of the chattering thoughts, the feelings of anger or frustration, or the hurts you think others have caused. When such chatter takes you out of the quiet, notice this, and merely let them go and return to the quiet and love. It is as simple as that. Soon you will be able to catch yourself going into the chatter sooner and sooner until you can stay in this peaceful place for long periods of time.
When you can stay there longer. This practice of letting go in the meditation allows you to begin to notice the inspiring feelings or ideas that are waiting to amplify your life and spiritual Journey. These are the Intuitions or guiding thoughts that will help you live your life better. The gift of your spiritual connection will eventually allow you to be guided by a higher Divine Intelligence that lives within you. But here you must exercise the power of prayer to speed things up.
Step Two: Adding Affirmative Prayer to Your Meditation
As you search for peace and practice Mindfulness, a second but equally import step is to cultivate a faithful affirming stance. You must declare that the peace you long for, and the clarity about how to pursue your life is coming. We can always ask and faithfully expect to receive help or guidance.
State what you want. In this case, it is to go deeper into your spirituality, and the activating force here is gratitude. So, conjure up an authentic emotional feeling of gratitude in advance, which will set your faith.
Step Three: Listen for your Intuitive Thoughts.
Soon, in your meditations, you will notice another kind of thought that comes to you. These are your guiding intuitions coming into consciousness. You know they are coming from your Divine Intelligence because these thoughts have a feeling of inspiration about them. These kinds of thoughts will also be about helping yourself or others in a loving way. If they are not helping thoughts, they may just be more chatter from your ego. But don’t worry. You will soon easily be able to tell the difference.
Taking Your Mindfulness into your Life Journey
Here is where you can take your meditative peace and centeredness with you into the world, by declaring your expectations and acting on your intuition. Now, you must live in a place where you can observe this faith power playing out in your life with heightened alertness. You are not going to miss any opportunities because you know that the hand of the Divine works within you and change in life happens through mysterious coincidences. We must be ready, every day, for the internal urges that are steering us through life.
However, to go deeper into your spirituality, there is another essential step. You must separate from the chatter of your ego. Your ego is the automatic thought or reaction you have, usually without thinking. It is the part of you that is determined to survive and prosper or avoids certain outcomes.
By practicing Mindfulness in your daily life, you can recognize and separate from the behaviors or thoughts which are being led by your ego so you can connect with your higher self. Our essential nature is always connected, and pursuing this connection changes the way you observe your life and even changes the decisions you make.