Life Saving Truths About Health And Energy
2. Eat Vegetables
Eat at least eight servings of fresh (preferably organic) vegetables and only a few fruits daily. Veggies are important since they contain key vitamins that the body doesn’t store. They also contain phytonutrients, which help your body detox. Blaylock recommends getting your veggies by drinking them in a blended smoothie of raw ingredients such as; organic squash, dark leafy greens, celery, tomato, and cucumber. Add lemon juice to cut the green taste.
Note– He also recommends being careful of sweet fruits in smoothies, as they contain too much overall sugar, which negates their benefit. He suggests limiting fructose to only 25 grams per day.
3. Consume Only Good Oils
Integrative Medicine advises we stay away from ingesting too many omega-6 oils. Usually, these are processed from seeds or vegetables such as; sunflower, safflower, grape seed, sesame, and corn oils (that are also in chips, fried foods, and snacks). The IM perspective is that too many omega-6s, especially heated, are a definite cause of heart disease and many other lifestyle problems. Some of these oils were previously thought to be heart-friendly, but now research is showing the direct opposite.
4. Add Healthy Oils
Blaylock advises adding more healthy omega-3 oils (flaxseed oil, olive oil, coconut oil) and wild-caught, deepwater fish (salmon, anchovies, bluefin tuna) to your diet. Typical salad dressings, even organic, are full of bad oils, so it is best to make your own and take it with you. He also recommends that you consume at least two tablespoons of organic, extra-virgin, olive oil a day.
5. Find a Substitute for Sugar
Along with the health problems that glycation bring on, excess sugar in your blood raises your insulin levels and lowers your everyday energy levels. According to Dr. Mercola, Stevia and Xylitol are two natural sweetening substitutes that are in fact, good for you. And in many cases, you don’t need much to get the desired flavor.
6. Get Enough Sleep
Get at least 7 hours of sleep each day, preferably during the hours of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. These are the best times, on the body’s circadian cycle, for deep detoxification to take place.
7. Decrease Daily Stress
Short-term stress might sharpen the senses, but stress that never lets up is a proven killer. It causes inflammation in the body and increases free radicals and other chemicals that accelerate aging and encourages disease. Exercise, meditation, and spirituality are a few healthy habits that are proven to reduce stress.
8. Switch From Anaerobic to Interval Exercise
Jogging, or any other type of extended, “out of breath” exercise (lasting more than a half a minute), floods the body with free radicals. These free radicals damage cells and speed up aging and related diseases. Some professionals say that the body’s antioxidants can handle the free-radicals generated by a short-distance run (say, 20 miles per week). For an even better option -a regular exercise program is imperative for health and energy- INTERVAL TRAINING is the healthiest.
Interval training calls for short bursts of exercise (sprints or high-speeds use of weights, other exercise machines, and etc.). These exercises, usually last no longer than 30 seconds, followed by a rest period of about 90 seconds. Integrative doctors recommend getting checked out physically before beginning any exercise program. Be sure to build up to a full speed slowly.
Take a comprehensive multivitamin/mineral supplement every day. Most foods, even those organic, can have lower vitamin and mineral levels depending on the soil where they are grown. So most integrative doctors suggest supplementation. In fact, they laugh at doctors who think nutritional supplementation is unnecessary.
9. Use Essential Oils in Place of Over The Counter Medicine to Boost Your Immune System
Essential oils have been around for thousands of years, mainly used for healing purposes, as well as for their spiritually and emotionally uplifting properties. I use Young Living’s Essential Oils. I have seen life changing improvements in my health. Primarily extracted through careful steam distillation but also through cold pressing, these are purest essential oils you can find and in this unique state they are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they were extracted.
These pure health-promoting botanicals can be diffused, inhaled, applied topically, incorporated into a massage, or taken internally.