Life Saving Truths About Health And Energy
Be Skeptical About Special Interest Research
Remember, every special interest hires their own scientists. While science is supposed to be unbiased and open, we are not quite there yet. Many integrative medicinal practitioners criticize pharmaceutical companies because their advocate associations hire scientists to prove that nutritional supplements (their main competition in the marketplace) do not work to prevent and treat disease.
The primary way that pharmaceutical scientist discredit supplements is by using smaller amounts of vitamins (as well as other nutritional factors) in their research than what integrative medicine uses in clinical trials. When they do not find therapeutic results, these scientists proclaim and publicize their findings to news outlets, with which these same pharmaceutical companies have huge advertising budgets. The media outlets are happy to write articles about how it has finally been proven that supplements just do not work.
According to the Life Extension Foundation (LEF), the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is an implicit force in this sort of corruption. Often only letting the pharmaceutical or food companies sponsor their research to prove drug or food safety. Dr. Mercola reports that the FDA allowed a food giant to research the safety of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) using rat studies, but only for a short term. When they studied the effects of the GMOs in the rats’ early lives, they saw no ill effect. This outcome became the basis for saying that genetically modified foods are safe. The FDA never required long-term rat studies. Although, recently, an independent study followed rats that ate GMOs throughout their full life span. Results show that later in life the rats developed horrific intestinal tumors and digestive problems.
Dangerous Food Additives- Do Not Consume
On his site, Dr. Mercola describes the food industry in great detail, and each of us individually must come to grips with current mass-production food realities. The industry is trying to supply food to the world, and because it is a for-profit business, it strives to do so at the lowest possible price. To meet their bottom line, companies are sourcing low-cost ingredients requiring additives to make the resulting foods look, feel, and taste better. Dr. Blaylock describes, perhaps the worst of these additives in great detail—the glutamates, all akin to MSG (monosodium glutamate). The dreaded ingredient in accent flavor enhancer, many yeasts, and soy-containing prepared foods that give a lot of people headaches and result in a declining of energy.
Taste Enhancers ARE Addictive Because They Provide False Euphoria
Dr. Blaylock describes MSG and other certain amino acids as having the “taste that kills.” These added glutamates are extremely harmful to our health and deserve to be of concern. The strange thing about glutamates is that they have no taste in and of themselves. However, they immediately go to the glutamate receptors in our bodies. Which then releases chemicals whenever we reach a peak in excitement, one we might experience in a deep spiritual epiphany. When this chemical release occurs, we get a feeling of inner peace, contentment, and even euphoria.
However, when we eat foods containing glutamate, the additives activate these same receptors in our brains and give us a false euphoria. Therefore amplifying our sense of taste and overall feeling of well-being, which we then associate with the food. It’s the yummy, body-satisfied feeling we experience when we eat something really good, but it doesn’t last. We have to keep eating the glutamate to stay in that euphoric state of mind. Some experts say our desire or need to eat more to sustain that feeling of pleasure, even when we are full, is one of the causes of the obesity epidemic.
What’s worse, according to Dr. Blaylock’s research, our receptors are inflamed by these chemicals, and this reaction is causing the brain to be in greater danger of Alzheimer’s and other diseases. Long-term health and longevity are the main reason for younger people to rid themselves of these chemicals. At the same time, we should ALL steer clear of these and all other addictions. We should instead, seek higher inspiration and SYNCHRONICITY. Finding your life mission and living your purpose will fire up these euphoric parts of the brain.
Create Your Own “Health And Energy” Lifestyle
Integrative medicine practitioners usually recommend the following among their key steps toward health and energy:
1. Avoid All Processed Foods
Avoid processed foods, as they often contain dangerous additives. Prepare your meals from scratch as often as possible. This includes grains, which are suspect in many health problems. Like other starches, they raise our sugar levels and increase inflammation and, result in lower available energy. In addition, grains may contain gluten and various additives—such as bromine in wheat— that research suggests are harmful.