The Celestine Vision Community Radio Discussion:
In our last Radio show, we discussed the Karmic effects of adopting a “Giving Attitude.” Through our alertness to other’s needs, and tuning in to hear our intuitions of how to help them, our interactions can often become SYNCHRONISTIC MOMENTS to the people who cross our paths. When we take time to help, we will notice more people coming into our lives providing Synchronistic opportunities for us. This process seems to be built into the spiritual design of the Universe, although we are just learning to take advantage of these beneficial effects.
In this weeks show, 3/23/15, we will focus on the practical ways these “Giving” conversations can become part of our everyday routine. Sometimes the idea of opening up conversations with others, especially strangers, can feel difficult. But in this show, we’ll discuss very practical ways to establish a connection and get to the heart of the matter with those we feel lead to help. This will include the “Uplifting” effect and the art of “Active Listening” — tools that come in handy in all kinds of other situations as well.
Here are some questions you might ask yourself when you’re establishing a “Giving” connection with others.
1. What are the ways you usually start conversations with people you don’t know well?
2. Are you shy about approaching others because you think people might think you are rude?
3. Are you comfortable talking about hunches or gut feelings or intuitions with strangers?
Also “tips and updates” on bringing more Synchronicity,
Intuitive Guidance and Physical Wellness into your life. We’ll also have more comments on your Spiritual experiences in the next Celestine Community Radio Show 3/23/15. Keep sending in you Synchronicity Stories!