How To Watch The Celestine Prophecy Movie
If you are like millions of us out there, your investigation of your inner spirituality began with books, scriptures and other descriptions of a spiritual life. Still, somewhere inside, you feel that spirituality is first and foremost a set of elusive and transcendent experiences. –What, I believe will be seen as the grand insight of our time.
Descriptions are important, and we can look back and appreciate thousands of key testimonies by the mystics of every religion. They, after all, get our attention, open the door of interest, and tell us what to expect. They take us to the brink, one might say, but in the end, we all have to walk through the door, ourselves, and open up personally to the real thing.
While we contemplated how to make the Celestine Prophecy Movie, we decided we needed to show as much of the direct spiritual experience as possible (in a way only live action cinema can do). With a movie, one can not only give emotional looks and reactions in real life situations, but you can also reveal how the characters learn to see the world differently. In our case, we wanted to show how the character’s perception of life changes as he discovers a deeper spiritual awareness.
You’ll notice right away that this movie is different. If you view it as a typical adventure, you will see it all at one level. But when you begin to feel it, first with the music, and then by grasping what the characters are sensing intuitively, you will gain an entirely new experience. It’s one thing to go on a search for a lost scroll. It’s quite another to observe a whole set of enhanced perceptions and intuitive abilities that come from a deeper spiritual consciousness.
If you believe we need a new worldview, one that cherishes our best spiritual traditions –but at the same time– you want to take spirituality to a deeper level–we believe you will enjoy The Celestine Vision Movie.
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