The Formula For A Spiritual Relationship
Something exciting occurs when you decide to pursue a SPIRITUAL relationship. I can recall the exact moment Salle and I decided to work towards this deeper connection together. One year we found ourselves regularly arguing over small things. It didn’t help that we’d been cooped up through a period of cold weather, and tensions were high as we were beginning to feel a little stir crazy.
The arguments usually looked like this one: I would want for us to go out and watch my favorite football team, and she would want us to go to a nice dinner. While standing in front of our fireplace, with a roaring fire flickering shadows across our faces, our disagreement got past our self-control and rose to a point of angry shouting. When we “remembered ourselves”, it ended in a fit of laughter. We realized how silly we had been by letting ourselves become selfishly wrapped up in our wants, rather than remembering to think about one another first. We decided that this was the time for us to work together on developing our deeper Spiritual connection. These simple relationship disputes are normal. Developing your Spiritual bond together will freely build healthy communication and allow you to be conscious of your significant others’ needs.
Remember You Are A Soul Living A Human Life
Connections through conversations with another person is a basic human need, and the desire to create a romantic connection may be the strongest one of all. With the rate of divorce reaching alarming heights, it may seem that loving relationships are destined to fail. However, it doesn’t have to be that way, especially if we apply some Spiritual principles to our romantic partnerships. It’s important to remember how you speak to your loved one. What are you trying to convey to them? How is your tone being taken? We all have moments where we “lose our heads.” However, practicing thoughtful, non-defensive, vocal etiquette can provide you with results that not only benefit you both, but also help you grow your communication skills. In this way, each person feels more comfortable speaking from their hearts and exposing their soul to one another. Being aware of how you express yourself, especially under stress, is a fundamental aspect when on the path of your Spiritual relationship together.
Your Soul Desires Another Soul To Share Your life With
God wants us to thrive in a life of abundant joy. Profound love and healthy partnerships unite in His destined plan for each of us. Our relationships shouldn’t befall to grief and pain. By evolving to your highest, Spiritually conscious form, you discover your greater ability to have happy, fulfilling relationships. You can practice the principles of THE 12 INSIGHTS in your relationships. Praying together, trusting your INTUITION, and following the SYNCHRONICITY in your life will ultimately allow you to find the healthiest form of your relationship. Developing your deep Spiritual awareness and sharing this with your significant other, will positively lead you both to the higher divine plan for your life and your relationship. When you have a Spiritual foundation (Faith in God), at the center of your relationship, you will uncover the richest form of energy and joy.
Celebrate Your Differences
Partners come from varying backgrounds and have a lifetime of vast experiences prior to meeting each other, therefore. they may have differences in their individual outlook and needs. Holding a higher Spiritual consciousness provides each person the inner security to explore their differences openly. In fact, each should view the differences with their partner as growth opportunities. For instance, one person may love outings in nature, and over time, the other person may learn to love the outdoors as well. While you both do not have to love doing all of the same things together, it is still important to try and be there for the other one in the moments they truly enjoy experiencing. It creates a meaningful respect and shows that you care. When the other can see you trying to be there for them, even when it may be something you don’t like to do, your efforts will be appreciated. Acts of selflessness do not go unseen.
A trust built on Spirituality allows a full discussion of other issues as well. All of us have particular behaviors and habits that make us unique, and I have seen many expressed in several, different ways. Sometimes, in stress, people lash out or use harsh words that hit below the belt; while others, myself included, shell up or retreat into their minds. Some people like to communicate heavily under stress, whereas, others ignore stress completely, behaving as if a dream world will solve the problems they face. With so many various forms of stress management, it is only natural you may find yourself paired with someone who handles tough times very differently than you.
An inner, Spiritual security helps both parties feel open enough to explore their behaviors, and be honest enough to ask for their partner’s help in overcoming these patterns, should they be unhealthy habits to have. Remember to be understanding and supportive when your significant other comes to you for personal growth. You can support them by discussing the habits that feel hurtful to you. Then share your inner thoughts (Intuitions) of how to approach the most stressful times as they feel healthy for your relationship.